Welly Fletcher work at ARTSLab featured by Big Rep


Check it out! Welly Fletcher (Sculpture, Art Department) is a featured BigRep artist! Welly used the BigRep ONE large format printer here at ARTSLab to create a large scale sculptural 3D print for their recent solo show SLANT.
Fletcher’s sculptural centerpiece ‘Trans Time’, measuring 0.9 × 2.1 × 0.7 mts (36 × 86 × 28 inches), is an abstract depiction of a lion-like animal printed using the large-format BigRep ONE 3D printer.
Beginning as a clay model produced by the artist, the piece underwent a transformative journey as it was digitally scanned before emerging as a 3D printed object, made using the University of New Mexico’s ARTSLab BigRep ONE 3D printer.
Check out the video that BigRep produced about the process for a closer behind the scenes look. And don’t forget to peek last fall’s post about Welly’s work https://artslab.unm.edu/2023/09/24/welly-fletcher-3d-prints-sculpture-at-artslab/